All voters can vote by mail, and they can drop off their ballotBallot box located at the entrance to Quincy City Hall.

All voters can vote by mail. Completed ballots may be dropped off official ballot box located at the entrance to Quincy City Hall.

Quincy Votes Local! 2025

Your vote today,
a better Quincy tomorrow.

Muncipal Election is Tuesday, November 4, 2025


Muncipal Election is Tuesday, November 4, 2025 〰️

Save the Date for 1st Fundraining Event for Quincy Votes Local! 2025 on January 31, 2025.

Please donate to help us promote voting in municipal elections in Quincy.

Breakdown of vote results for each Quincy ward comparing votes between municipal and presidential elections.

Voters who are renters in Quincy are allowed to vote in local Quincy elections check your registration status here.

The 2025 Municipal Election consists of all nine city council seats (3 at-large and 6 ward) seats and three city-wide school board seats.

Read the latest Notes from Quincy Votes!

Check out the Quincy Votes!
calendar for upcoming events

Find all of your election information here.

Check your voter registration status here.


Check out our new page explaining how our state government functions here.

City Should Do More to Get Out the Vote.

Read our Op Ed Reader’s Forum letter with steps the City of Quincy should take to increase voter turnout.

Where do I vote?

Find out where you vote in person on Election Day here.