Park board meeting notes: 25.03.03
Park board meeting notes: 25.03.03
A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions.
Chair: David Murphy
Minutes: Approved minutes from meeting on February 3, 2025
Correspondence and News: None
PAGEANT FIELD – Ruth Gordon Amphitheater:
• Sara Trainor Callard of the Friends of Ruth Gordon, requests use on the following dates from 6 pm to dark for musical programming/live entertainment at the RGA:
1. June 27
2. July 11
3. July 18
4. July 25
5. August 1
6. August 8
7. August 15
8. August 22
9. August 29
10. September 5
11. September 13
The dates above are requested; the August dates are currently on hold for Quincy 400 events, but if they do become available the FRG would like to reserve them. Sara Trainor Callard is booking talent. Sept 13th is a Saturday and that is intentional. Discussion: further info is that there is no conflict with Quincy 400, so the August dates can be reserved; approved with understanding that park may make adjustments to accommodate Quincy 400.
• Lori Kephart of Life Community Church in Quincy requests use on Sunday, July 6, 2025, from 8 am to 12 noon for an outdoor worship service. Fee: $225. Approved
FORE RIVER CLUBHOUSE: Mariah Weathers of Quincy requests use on Saturday, June 7, 2025, from 2 to 6 pm for an engagement party. Fee: $250 for 4 hours. Approved.
CREEDON FIELD: Idris Senyonjo of AFC Club Soccer requests use on Saturdays March 15 and 22 from 8 am to 8 pm for soccer games/tryouts. Fee $45.00 per hour. Approved
KINCAIDE FIELD: Tom Scott of Quincy Youth Soccer requests use of Kincaide Field from 9 am to 7 pm on March 14-16 (Boys) and March 21-23 (Girls) for a youth soccer tournament. Fee $45.00 per hour. Approved.
BISHOP TENNIS COURTS: Phil Nguyen, tennis coach at North Quincy HS, requests use for practice and matches March 17 to June 13, 3 - 6:30 pm. Discussion: our observation/experience is the tennis courts are well used, but with regards to after school hours, the coach is competing with local people, and coach wants a permit he can show to demonstrate he has primary use of the courts. Can we put a sign up? Yes, it could be done. Motion made to give permit for practice and matches. Approved.
Old Business: None
New Business: approved next park board meeting: April 7, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Member asked that a meeting be held at clubhouse when finished. Commissioner Murphy said he would give an update in the Reports section.
Adams Field hand-painted sign looks out of place, could it be replaced? Discussion: hand-painted sign has a history – is a reproduction of one that was on the original field. Suggest a nice sign in the "Adams" font. Is there anything in the "revolving account"? Will look into it.
Discussion: dog attack on Brewers Corner. Animal control was called for an off-leash incident and the assistant dog officer responded and was injured when the dog attacked. She is doing ok; was taken to the hospital.
Commissioner’s report
Spring Cleaning / getting ready for busy year
Batting cages have gone up
Crews are doing clean up and maintenance at all parks; repairing fences etc. Each crew is instructed to do what is needed to get each park/area looking good.
This is early to do that, and there will still be litter/leaves to pick up later, but getting a start on it. High school practices start in 3 weeks.
Major League Rugby team Free Jacks Home opener is March 15th at Veterans Stadium. Doing touch-up work at stadium. St Patrick’s day usually gets a big crowd. Want the place looking nice.
Project Team
Working w/ mason at cemetery dept; will be able to do some work in-house instead of contracting out. At Faxon Park, pickleball courts have finished paving, walls, "furniture" and basic amenities installed. This is going to be a very popular complex.
Restroom building at Faxon park will be installed this spring – mid-May or so.
Pageant is usually booked up by March, so will be nice to have a quality alternative.
Forbes Hill:
Park: completing the pathway from parking lot to tower (via playground). Working on hybrid material, do not want to put impervious material down. Compacted adhesive stone dust is being looked at.
Planting 30 trees that like "wet feet"; will help with groundwater saturation.
Done some repairs to the front steps of the tower. Pulled granite out; will have to repair underlay. In-house crews are working on that. Working w/ Public Buildings on the repair of the roof. Roof has been beat up; but don't think anything significant or serious is happening.
Putting ADA-compatible mats in the playground. Also putting in fence around the playground.
Clubhouse: weeks away from contractor turning the building over to the City as substantially complete. Still need to put in asphalt and landscaping. Keys to clubhouse by end of March. One of the events to begin with will be an open house with City Hall, members and public (around first week in April). Project meetings are held every Thursday. Things tracking well.
Basement will have 4 state-of-the art simulators; having them in a golf clubhouse, they will be rented out before driving range time or in addition to lessons, not just in the winter. There are a number of games you can play to simulate great courses from around the world. Anticipates them being rented 7 days a week, year round. They will be marketed as a year-round opportunity.
Developing policies related to functions. Looking at a function window outside of golf season (Thanksgiving to April 1st). Doesn't want to overload the facility and neighborhood by having functions and golf going on at the same time.
Ropes course: Matt Lowe has worked for Sheriff Bellotti’s summer camp. Wildly popular activity; looking at leadership, character development, teamwork, not just swinging on ropes. Will use him at Rec University to train the leaders; working with schools now; great potential there. We were contemplating different locations: in the past was thinking about Mound Street; and then the Coast Guard station. Matt and Dave looked at different locations; Matt and consultant who builds these courses will write a recommendation (looking at Faxon Park, Merrymount, and Mound Street). This will be talked about once the report is ready for review.
Save the dates: Sat. May 3rd Cleaner Greener. Turned into a beautification event as much as a spring cleanup event.
Flag Day Parade: Saturday, June 14th. This is going to be the signature Quincy 400 parade. Will be stepping off at 6:00 not 7:00; there will be 7 or 8 drum corps. Float-building exercise will be of higher quality; tell City's history. The fireworks will be beefed up a little too. The kids marching will start at the usual place in Coddington Street, the bands and floats will start where the Christmas Parade starts, that way the kids can watch the parade and then fall in behind the bands and march. This means they don’t have to walk any longer than usual and they get to see the parade.