Recreation board meeting notes: 25.01.06

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

Meeting chaired by Rec Director Chris Rooney.


  • Two new positions: social media managers (2 new positions). Social media account up to today has been to cancel something. A negative effect. Started Saturday. Two college-age people, going 20 hours a week to promote the programs. Working on new designs for website, social media, Instagram.


  • Ice skating starts this week. Two spots left. $60. Begin on Wednesday. 


  • Public ice skating rink: 4800 people so far. Open 27 days. Have 6 - 7 people working at a time. Very popular. Haven't had to turn anyone away. No signage on helmets. Since we don't charge for ice time or skate rental, would probably limit the liability. Discussion of skate park, since kids don't normally wear helmets. Suggestion that "helmets are recommended" signage be added. Commissioner suggests that liability is limited to conditions, and that we have "skate patrol" when crowded. There would also be cap on liability. We are running a Zamboni multiple times a day to keep conditions good. Doesn't mean we won't get sued. No child under the age of 13 can be on the ice without an adult on the ice or watching them outside. 


Report accepted: Meeting adjourned 5:50 pm.




Library board meeting notes: 25.01.16


Park board meeting notes: 25.01.06