Park board meeting notes: 25.01.06

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

Chair: Paul Doherty


Minutes: Approved minutes from meeting on December 9, 2024



• Fore River Clubhouse: William Thibodeau, formerly of Quincy, requests use on Saturday, January 11, 2025, between 3 pm and 7 pm for a memorial dinner to honor his recently deceased father, William Thibodeau, Sr., who worked at the Fore River shipyard and was one of the last to exit the main gate upon the demise of the yard. A traditional bean supper will be served to family and friends to honor his dad and revive an old tradition of regular bean suppers at the club. Ward 2 councilor Richard Ash has written to support the event and requests that the $225 fee be waived. (No alcohol; 20 to 25 attendees). Approved (with fee to be paid by Councilor Ash). 


Old business: None


New business: Set next park board meeting: February 3, 2025, 5:30 pm



Commissioner’s report

  • Merrymount: serious accident wiped out column and sections of fence. Working w/insurance recovery people to get it repaired. It will unfortunately look that way for a couple of months until it gets warmer so the mortar will set. Two sections of fence will have to be replaced (City should not be on the hook to pay for it). Fence needs to be refabricated.


  • Faxon Park: ongoing work to new pickleball courts. Building restrooms. For 2025 picnic season, will have Faxon Park available. Restrooms will be smaller than Pageant. Looking at the best way to secure the facility. Looking at options for remote locking and timing. Want to make sure we don't create a security problem.


  • Forbes Hill: looking at putting in accessible matting in the coming weeks which will allow for the fence to be finished. Looking at what needs to be done to repair the roof of the water tower. Moving slower than commissioner likes, but moving.


  • Volleyball courts at Pageant: need to take out soil to put in the sand courts. Looking to schedule in January/February, but need the weather to cooperate. 


  • Park section of the report accepted.


Recreation board meeting notes: 25.01.06


QV! fundraiser set for Jan. 31