Library board meeting notes: 25.01.16

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

Director's report: No report this month


Treasurer's report

  • Citizens balance reviewed: earning 2.25% interest.

  • Swab: account balance reviewed: current total is slightly less than last month: Market dropped 2.3% and our accounts are down by 2.6% in last 30 days. We are in conservative funds.

  • Expenses: some money coming in and disbursed some expenditures. There was a $7500 donation and several smaller donations. Reimbursements were standard ones for conferences, etc.


Friends Report: None


Liaison Report: Pursued getting a liaison from Friends and the Foundations to come to our meeting. Robert Cerasoli has access to foundation funds. Director Slymon commented that we are halfway through the fiscal year, and there has been no expenditure from the Foundation yet this year. Director Slymon has not met him and has attempted to contact him via email. The website expired and there was nothing done for the giving season. Traditionally the foundation gives $50,000 a year and Director Slymon has a plan for that amount.   Historically, a Board member from this Trustees Board also sits on the Foundation board. Director Slymon is not sure that only one member is sufficient to sign a Foundation account check. Director Slymon wants to use the Foundation grant to replace some furniture on the 2nd floor.


Roberts Rules of Order discussion: Suggest that members review the book and look at not needing to have a second for motions since the board is six members. Continue that discussion next meeting.


Bylaws update: There is a recommendation for Trustee review of these bylaws that have been vetted by Jim Timmins (Solicitor of the City).  These are for discussion; the members can disagree on any section.  Copies for board members distributed. 


Meet and Greet committee: have given some ideas to Director Slymon, need to go over logistics. Thinking casual, light beverages, maybe 4 - 6 pm in the same room as the Christmas Event. Need to work on details.


New business:  

  • 2nd floor is going to be closed for a week for painting and updating.  Working on ensuring all meetings are moved to other locations; social worker will be relocated to the lobby and other adjustments will be made. January 27th for a week.

  • Director Slymon: there was a donation for $7500 – is for archive department and will see expenditures for things like acid-free paper, etc.


Old business: 

  • Changing of hours: Main Library: suggestion it close at 8 pm.  Reviewed unique entrances to the building. After 7 pm, significant drop off. Outcome will be to move hours around and allow for more robust staffing. We have added 7 or 8 full-time positions since director started. Director would be appreciative of a vote of support. Next steps would be to talk to the union, since the contract specifies no change in hours. There is a night differential that is paid. There would need to be a memorandum of agreement signed between the union and the library. Most Boston branches and Minuteman libraries close at 8; it used to be 9 but now it is all over the place. COVID had a huge impact on when people come; we get huge traffic on Sunday (for 4 hours); but evening hours have continued to decline. If it weren't for evening programs being well attended, she would be proposing 7. Right now, we don't have a enough staffing to cover dinner hour. Sarah has made the union aware that this is a topic for discussion.


Meeting adjourned at 8:59   

  • After meeting, in the public comment period, a member of the public suggested that Trustees should have consulted with staff members and asked staff members for their feedback on changing the hours. The member of the public suggested good communications would include having the Trustees speak with staff. Director Slymon responded that staff work for her; the Trustees advise Director. The hours are an operational decision that will be negotiated with the union. The Director (in her previous positions) has never had staff members attend Trustee meetings.


Jan. 31 fundraiser: Senator Keenan, live music, and silent auction!


Recreation board meeting notes: 25.01.06