Buenaventura and Devine: top 2 vote-getters in Preliminary Ward 4 Councilor Election
James Devine was the top vote-getter with 42% - or 318 - votes. Joel Buenaventura was the other winner with 234 votes, or 31%.
Ward 4 residents will pick their new city councilor at the ballot box Tuesday, Feb. 7. The winner will fill the vacant seat following Brian Palmucci’s departure to become a district court judge.
Ledger article here.
Sun article here.
QATV programming here.
Learn more about the candidates:
Buenaventura and Devine responded to a questionnaire from Quincy Votes!
QATV also invited all candidates to sit for interviews and tape messages.
Buenaventura: AM Quincy interview, candidate message
Devine: AM Quincy interview, candidate message
Find out how and when to vote:
Sat., Jan. 28: Early voting, City Hall (8:30 am to 5 pm)
Sat., Jan. 28, 5 pm: Deadline to register to vote in special election
Tues., Jan. 31, 5 pm: Deadline to apply to vote by mail in special election
Jan. 31 - Feb. 3: Early voting, City Hall (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
Tues., Feb. 7: Special election (polls open 7 am to 8 pm)
Find your ward/polling place: wheredoivotema.com
City’s Ward 4 special election page: bit.ly/ward4specialelection