Who Can Vote Local
Voter Eligibility FAQs ( source: Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
Who Can Register to Vote?
You can register to vote in Massachusetts if you are:
A U.S. citizen
A resident of Massachusetts
18 years or older
Not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction
How can I register to vote?
You can register to vote online, by mail, or in person, at least 10 days before an election.
Register Online
If you have a signature on file with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, you can register online. You can also pre-register, update your address, update your name, and change your political party designation.
Voter registration forms submitted online must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on the date of the voter registration deadline.
Register by Mail
You can register or pre-register to vote with a mail-in voter registration form. Print, fill out, and sign the voter registration form. Mail the signed form to your local election office. Your voter registration form must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline.
If you are registering to vote in Massachusetts for the first time, you should include a copy of identification that shows your name and address with your form. If you don’t include a copy of your ID, you may need to show it the first time you vote.
Register In-Person
You can register or pre-register to vote in person. In Massachusetts, you can register to vote in-person at:
Your local town clerk, election commission, or Boards of Registrars
The Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Elections Division
The Secretary of the Commonwealth’s regional offices
Voter registration forms completed in-person are valid on the day that they are signed.
Will I automatically be registered to vote?
If you are a Massachusetts citizen receiving services at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, MassHealth, and/or the Commonwealth Health Connector, you will automatically be registered to vote.
You can be automatically registered to vote when you:
Apply for or renew your driver’s license at the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Apply for or renew a learner's permit
Apply for or renew a state ID
Apply for MassHealth benefits online, in person, or by phone
Apply for health insurance through the Commonwealth Health Connector
If you are not sure if you have been automatically registered to vote, you can check to see if your name is on the voter registration list here.
How does automatic voter registration work?
If the RMV, MassHealth, or the Health Connector determines that you are a United States citizen, they will send your information to the election office. When your election office receives your name, address, and date of birth, they will add you to the voter list. They will send a notice confirming your registration in 2-3 weeks.
Can I opt out of automatically registering to vote?
State law no longer allows you to opt out of registration during your transaction. Instead, you will be sent a notice by mail to inform you of your automatic registration, and that notice will explain how you can remove your name from the voter list.
If I’m already registered, will I be registered to vote twice if I submit a new registration?
No. If you are already registered to vote at your current address, nothing will change. If you are registered to vote at a different address in Massachusetts, your address will be updated with your new registration.
What if I am not the one completing my health insurance application?
You will not be registered to vote. Automatic voter registration does not apply to applications completed for someone else. If you are applying for a family member, only the person who signs the form will be registered to vote.
What if I move?
If you are re-applying for health insurance or a driver's license when you update your address, you will be automatically registered to vote at your new address. If you are merely updating your address, you should submit a new voter registration form when you move. You can update your address for voter registration purposes online. Updating Address
How do I join a political party?
If you are already registered to vote in Massachusetts, this will not change your party affiliation.
If you are not already registered to vote in Massachusetts, you will automatically be registered as Unenrolled (commonly referred to as "Independent"). You can choose a party when you receive confirmation of your voter registration.
What if I am not a U.S. citizen?
You will not be registered to vote. Automatic registration only takes place at agencies that collect citizenship information. You can only be automatically registered to vote if you have provided the agency with a copy of a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, or U.S. naturalization papers.
When do I need to change my voter registration?
If you have moved to a new address. If you are not registered to vote at your current address, you should submit a voter registration form online, by mail, or in person at least ten days before the election you want to vote in.
If you have changed your name. Submit a voter registration form online, by mail, or in person with your new name at least ten days before the election you want to vote in. If you want to change your political party affiliation. Submit a voter registration form online, by mail, or in person with your new name at least ten days before the election you want to vote in.
When can teens pre-register to vote?
Pre-registering to vote allows eligible youth age 16 and older to fill out a voter registration form before you reach voting age. Once you turn 18, your registration is automatically activated, allowing you to vote in elections. This process ensures young voters are prepared to participate as soon as you become eligible.
You can pre-register to vote in Massachusetts if you are:
A U.S. citizen
A resident of Massachusetts
16 or 17 years old
Not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction
You can pre-register to vote by submitting a voter registration form online, by mail, or in person. You’ll receive confirmation of your pre-registration by mail. When you turn 18 you will be added to the voter rolls.
How can I change my political party or update my address or a name change on my voter registration?
The deadline to register to vote, update your registration, or change your party is 10 days before any election or town meeting. You can change it online, by mail, or in person. You will receive confirmation of the change via mail. Updating voter registration information
What are the voter registration rules for new citizens?
You can register to vote as soon as you are naturalized
You will need to register using a paper form, either by mail or in person, until the next time you renew your driver’s license or state ID with the Registry of Motor Vehicles
The RMV can’t verify your identity to use the Online Voter Registration System until you provide them with proof of citizenship
Suppose you became a U.S. citizen after the voter registration deadline. In that case, you can register to vote in-person at your local election office until 4 p.m. on the day before the election. Make sure you bring proof that your naturalization ceremony took place after the voter registration deadline
Can renters vote?
Yes, as long as you are a citizen living in the city of Quincy and not concurrently voting in another town, municipality, or state (which is a violation of election laws).
Can I vote if I am in the middle of a move?
Most states require you to have lived at your new address for at least 30 days to vote in that precinct. In Massachusetts, there is no durational residency requirement. It has a 20-day registration requirement.
You’ll need to change your voter registration for every move
Early voting, absentee ballots, and provisional ballots are also options for people moving around Election Day
Can I vote if I have a disability or a mental health condition?
Voting with a disability | Vote.gov
Can I vote if I’m homeless or in a shelter?
Voting while unhoused | Vote.gov
Can I vote if I am in jail or in prison?
Voting after a felony conviction | Vote.gov
Can I vote if I am on probation for committing a crime?
Voting with a Criminal Conviction ( check Massachusetts)
Can I vote if I am in a hospital or rehab center?
Patient Voting - Help Hospitalized Patients Vote
What are the reasons people can’t vote?
If you are not a citizen
If you are not a resident of that state
If you are under 18 years of age
If you are of unsound mind as per the court
If you are a convicted felon: Can Felons Vote in Massachusetts? | Mass.gov
Who should vote?
Every citizen who is eligible to have the right to vote!