Library board meeting notes: 24.05.09

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

Director’s Report

  • Done hiring

  • Richardson tours are going to be happening soon

  • Still down a trustee, have been asking the mayor about it

  • Adams Shore:  exterior has been painted.  Landscaping is starting soon.

  • Maker space opening on 23rd at 3:00 PM.  Mayor will be invited.

  • Biggest MLA ever, governor was there. Director will have a report next month. One item: several libraries staff closed for the one day and sent their entire staff. Director wants to consider doing this next year. There is an entire para professional track at this conference, which would be good for the assistant librarians. Next year will be down the Cape. 


Friends Report

  • Went this month, Friends is going to have a shift in leadership. Jennifer Sammons will be new president (was confirmed by vote of the Friends on May 14th).

  • Friends asked for budget proposals from us, and director has provided some expansions (crafts have become more expensive, programming also has become more expensive). Would like to see some funds for staff development, but not thinking it will happen.  

  • Gets some staff tuition /staff development dollars from the City, but $10,000 doesn’t go far.  Had three people ask for tuition reimbursement

  • Plan to work with new admin of Friends of TC Library


Foundation Report

  • Delighted to report they have an interested and qualified candidate vote tomorrow to approve Rob Cerasoli as the new Foundation Director. Very qualified. He is anxious to meet everyone. Interested in funding, programs and getting people involved.  It should be an exciting time. (Post meeting note, Rob Cerasoli was confirmed as Foundation Director on May 10th).

Old Business

  • Computer and internet policy:  given a few months ago.  No questions.  Voted to approve.

  • Photography policy:  no questions.  Voted and approved.


Public Library Annual Conference:  (Kristy) in Columbus, OH

  • Really strong focus on staff retention. Lot of discussion about retention, support and training. Focuses on crisis management and communication.

  • A large number of program on AI. Some discussions of policies around AI. We use it in some ways, and panel discussions on writing AI policies, and how it can be used/should be used. 

  • One idea was to use “airplane” sensors in bathrooms, to post signs to deter activity in smoking but also other than cigarette smoke, and even air quality changes that might be related to meth contamination, etc.

Taylor: Computer and Libraries Conference in Arlington, VA.

  • Interesting sessions on archival and digitizing collections.  Now working w/ our archival staff on doing that here

  • Attended session on LA’s discussion of digitizing their map collection.

  • Information on maker spaces. (Library in Arkansas has a huge maker space, and there are some ideas that we could implement here in Quincy.)

  • All major tech vendors were in attendance. And was able to talk to vendors we use.

  • Got ideas on computer management software.

  • The computers were last updated usually on a five-year schedule. Director would like to see it on a three- or four-year cycle.

  • Quincy City doesn’t fund the computers or provide IT support, and the library didn’t have an IT budget line either.  A three-year IT budget was created, but it was rejected by the mayor.


Bylaws: Will be voted on next month. Chair has consulted with City Solicitor on some changes. A final draft on some changes and the entire policy for trustees to review. A special meeting may be called for that. At the moment there is no time set.

Director Evaluation committee: held off to next month due to absences.

Docent tours will begin next summer. A table is being evaluated on cost or determination if it is repairable. Furniture will be returned to the Richardson room. Three docents, but one will be on maternity leave over the summer. But even a shortened schedule will start over the summer. Some chairs are being reviewed for recovering or repair.


Draft Strategic Plan

  • Team of Taylor, Amanda, Tammy, Sean and several others were included in the development.

  • It’s a different kind of plan. These are what we value, and this is the direction the library goes in and this is how the community views us and annually, there will be an action plan.  

  • Action plan will be available before the next meeting

  • Her report has both nice things said at sessions, but also concerns.

  • Has vision and mission statement.

  • Strategic priorities are access, equity, engagement, stewardship and entertainment. 

  • Includes a long history of the library and Quincy demographics.

  • With Quincy 400 (2025) and Semiquincentennial (2026) coming, want to emphasize history, “Olmstead” lawn, and historic signage.

  • Will provide a mid-year update.  

  • 400 will be for this fiscal year and go into next year. 

Presentation of new meeting room use - to be voted on at a subsequent meeting:

  • Wrote a policy on meeting room use. Charging fees and defining the way people could use the rooms.

  • It has not been going well. Community partners, public not happy.

  • Loosening it up, and streamlining it. 

  • Lowered the number of people needed to reserve the room

  • Free, but still have to be Quincy residents

  • Agencies have to be Quincy-based (ex Quincy coders can use the rooms)

  • Meetings have to be open to the public, no fees can be charged

  • Adding the classroom on the second floor as a meeting room

  • Have spent a lot of time meeting w/ aggrieved groups. There is outstanding demand for the room. It’s a big part of Lena’s job. 

  • You can’t have a wedding/baby shower here

  • Frequency:  groups can use the room up to a total of 52 times a year (it was 4 times a year)

  • Limiting the rooms to ensure staff don’t have to compete for space. There will always be a window of time that rooms will be closed. 

  • First come, first served. You can book any meeting room once a week (across the system). Can book three months in advance. Booking closes a week before. Have robust booking system. 

  • If they want to use technology, then they have to come in and do a training session. Want to avoid troubleshooting and providing IT support.

  • IT is going to put updated guides on the wall to help answer questions.

  • Will be voted on next meeting and will go into effect next month.

  • This is a priority in the strategic plan.


Budget request:

  • Budget committee needs to be set up.

  • Will discuss at tomorrow’s meeting.

  • Update from City Budget:  Asked for $371,000 in increase. Got only union’s contractual raised. Chris Walker will work on a few little things (like going up $8,000 in supply budget to $20,000) and an increase in the book budget. The personnel increases are a lot as we are in the second or third year of the union contract.


Planning board meeting notes: 24.05.15


Open Space & Recreation Plan Survey