Planning board meeting notes: 24.05.15
A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions.
May 15, 2024 meeting of the Department of Planning and Community Development
10 Independence Avenue lot (City of Quincy Property Viewer)
Public Hearing regarding 10 Independence Avenue
The developer put forth information about a revision to the project that was made in response to neighborhood input. It was noted that two community meetings were held and both had a large number of neighbors present. Several changes were made to the building plan, including the elimination of a commercial space and an increase in the setback. Several neighbors spoke and had written letters. All but one were opposed to the building as proposed. Most were concerned about the height of four stories, and the setback from the corner. Some were concerned that the design did not fit with the historic character of the neighborhood. No action was taken and the developer will bring a revised proposal to another meeting.
Public Hearing regarding the Urban Revitalization and Development Plan & Amendment #6
This revision expands the Downtown Revitalization District to include several parcels. Public comments included concerns about the funding for the downtown development, loss of some commercial space, and lack of specifics in the plan. The amendment was approved.