Notes from Faxon Park Community Meeting 8.7.2023

A Quincy Votes! member took these notes while attending the Faxon Park meeting held on August 7, 2023

Approximately 50 people attended a public meeting held at the pavilion at Faxon Park.

Approximately a dozen people attended a walk-through/around the park to review the sections mentioned during the meeting.

The meeting was opened by Anthony Andronico (Ward 2 councilor).

Noel DiBona (at large councilor) was also present.

  • Michael Casinelli of the Quincy Parks Department (Forester and Project Manager) spoke and said the purpose was to discuss potential uses/changes to the park and to obtain residents’ feedback, suggestions, and comments on any proposed suggestions and that the Park Department wanted to hear any other suggestions or ideas from the residents on ways to improve the park.

    • A brief discussion of recent improvements made in the past few years:

    • Improved walking trails (Red/Blue Trails - which were done as part of Eagle Scout projects)

    • Ping Pong tables

    • Hazardous trees have been removed

    • Disc Golf setup opened

  • Mike asked for feedback from residents on:

    • Shade structure (pavilion)

    • Restrooms

    • Pickleball courts

    • Other ideas/suggestions

  • Rep from Friends of Faxon Park mentioned improvements want to see more of:

    • Doggie Bag stations (Friends has paid for some of them, but there remain hot spots)

    • Restoring part of the wall (along Faxon Park Road)

    • Bike Racks

    • The water site (shallow pond for skating in the winter), must be a "fountain" with no still water as it breeds mosquitoes

    • Pickleball courts so long as there would be no net new pavement (reuse already cleared land)

    • Trail map/trail signage at the front of the park

    • Soccer goal nets

    • New Trails and trail markers installed

    • No dumping signs installed

  • There were several discussions (at the pavilion and during the walking tour) of how the City has used (continues to use) the Park as a dumping ground, for storage of heavy equipment, and how private contractors have also dumped construction debris and trash throughout the site. A request was made for the City/Park department to cease to use the Park for dumping/storage.)

  • Safety / Security concerns

    • Additional police presence requested

    • The pavilion should be "visible" to driving patrols to prevent nighttime, unauthorized use

    • Park hours should remain open "dawn to dusk"

    • Lighting: most people preferred no new lights be added in the Park. (There was a discussion about needing additional street lights on Faxon Park Road, towards Quincy Ave). Someone did ask about "blue emergency" lights in the park, or lighting on some of the walking trails.

    • There have been issues with tents being kept onsite and the unhoused living in the park.

    • Issues about needles, finding unconscious people, witnessing drug deals, etc.

    • Cars speeding through the park

    • Cars exiting the entrance is a problem

    • Trash remains a problem

    • Discussion on whether cameras could be installed: Per Mike, Quincy Police Department (QPD) does not have any cameras at any Quincy park. Cameras at intersections have strict rules about accessing them (have to be an accident, not a close call, images are retained for a set period of time, etc.).

    • It has been proven that more people in the park reduces crime.

    • Need to ensure continued maintenance (means additional maintenance funding).

  • Mike was asked if he reviewed the "master plan" from 15-plus years ago. He had not. Commissioner Murphy has copies of the plan. Per Anthony, the idea is not to redo the master plan, but to get feedback on what people want today.

  • New walking entrance from the Falls Boulevard area:

    • Through the "Old High School site" (which is on the left, past the playground, accessed via a dirt path with a chain across it) make an official walking path.

  • This idea was well received.

  • In the past, this area often had needles, etc.

  • Falls Boulevard is private, so would need the developer's consent or use an alternate path via sidewalks.

  • Concern: tall grasses usually have ticks on them, and the grass is now overgrown.

  • A request was made for that area to be maintained on the same schedule as the park; right now, maintenance is done only when someone complains.

  • On the walking tour, discussed how the views are nice (if obstructed by invasives now). Masterplan had this as a meadow. Walking paths, with benches, would be a good use. Passive use is best, as sound carries and could impact the housing complexes nearby. Also noted, this area was an official dump and was capped, which might impact what can be built on it.

  • A suggestion is an outdoor ice skating rink might go there.

  • The site is too isolated for the pavilion (would be an attractive nuisance and police patrols would not have a line of sight on it from the road.)

  • Sally Owen (of the Environmental Treasures program) spoke of her concerns

    • Objects to any new roadways, but a walking path from Falls Blvd area is ok

    • Would like to see bike racks

    • Talked about the "Hazeltine section" of Faxon Park purchased in 2006

  • Because of poor trail making, and rough going, most people can't access it.

  • Request the wall be taken down to improve access.

  • Suggests that the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) be contracted to design new trails.

  • Most people don't know about this section, so that needs to be addressed

    • Behind Kan Man Market is a wetland

    • Olindy's parking lot might be a good access point

    • Good place for wetland tours

    • The ruins are the first (in the NATION!) of Depression-era Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) project, it was a warming shelter and ice skating place.

    • This site cannot be accessed now due to overgrowth, etc.

  • Pickleball Courts

    • Many (maybe a majority) of those present were interested in/approved of adding pickleball courts to the park, the only concern was "where would they be located". Concerns included;

  • No net new clearing of trees for courts

  • No net new paving for courts.

  • Noise factor: keep away from edges of the parks to reduce neighborhood impact

  • Discussed locations:

    • Top of the old High School site: concern was noise in the Falls Boulevard area.

    • Old Tennis Court site: (gravel area, now a parking lot, to the right of the road, past the playground, but before the hill incline to the big baseball field). Sally Owen mentioned that the site might have flooding issues. Concern was it would greatly reduce parking, especially if the pavilion was placed on the "middle field" area (which is right behind it).

    • At the entrance of the "old high school site". Being down low, it would be less likely to cause noise in the neighborhood, but having it there might be at odds with having the upper part of the site as a passive park (meadow), with a peaceful/nature vibe.

    • Near the current basketball court: would have to reposition one of the ping pong tables, but would be away from all neighborhood areas. No impact to the current basketball court. Would result in all the "sports" areas being grouped together, which was seen as a benefit.

  • Restrooms

    • Would be centrally located.

    • Suggestion is on the current gravel parking lot (also known as old Tennis ball courts).

    • Would be on remote locks.

    • Would be open on for Park and Rec programs and permitted events. (Would not be open for general use for playground, etc.). (This is similar to the rest room policy at Pageant field).

    • Porta Potties in playground area would remain.

  • Other suggestions

    • Cooking grill at pavilion area.

    • Mountain bike trails

    • Shade in the playground area

    • Splash Pad (several requests)

    • Bike racks (mentioned by several people)

    • Water-station for refilling bottles (that would be still be available even when the restroom is closed) and/or water fountain for drinking water

    • Angle the parking lot near the playground to help cut down on people going out the wrong way.

    • Fire hydrant(s) (if you are putting in a water line for the bathroom, put in a hydrant as well).

    • Storage space (room off of restrooms maybe) for Friends of Faxon Field to store items like soccer goals

    • Gates at night at the entrance and exit to deter after-hour use

    • Meditative labyrinth (circular, winding walkway, paved in grass and stone) on the old high school site.

    • Walking trails/benches at the old high school site.

    • Formalize parking at both the gravel lot and the existing pavilion site (using crushed gravel and bumpers) to show cars where they can/should park. Would maximize the number of parking sites. Do not want to add more asphalt to the park. (Roads will remain asphalt).

  • Front Ball field

    • This field is remaining as a ball field

    • It is in atrocious condition. There is no pitcher's mound. There are holes in the outfield. It needs maintenance to be usable.

  • Other discussions:

    • We've been meeting for 20 years on improvements to Faxon Park. When are we going to see something actually happen?

    • Anthony suggested late summer/early fall for an update on progress and a timetable for things to happen would be available.


Zoning Board Meeting 8.22.23


Park & Rec Board Meeting Aug. 7, 2023