Park & Rec Board Meeting Aug. 7, 2023

A Quincy Votes! member attended the Park & Rec Board meeting on August, 7, 2023. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

  • Park and Rec Board did not have a quorum, so no official business was conducted.

  • There was no mention of Forbes Hill items.

  • Park Department:

    • Public meeting notice was read.

    • Quorum was not met.

    • No official business was conducted.

    • Parks received a letter from DARE Officer Sautter thanking them for use of the Atlantic school for a summer DARE recreational program for 110 students.

    • As a group:

    • Reviewed three requests for use of parks.

    • There were no concerns noted about the requests. No one had any objections to the requests.

    • The requests were:

      • Pageant Field:

        • Ms. J. Hart of Quincy: Use on Sunday Oct. 8th, 2023, noon to 8:00 PM for Children's Hospital/family gathering. $375 Corporate fee would apply.

        • Mr. J. McGinely of Quincy: Sat. Sept. 30th, 2023. Family cookout. Noon to dusk $225 individual fee would apply

      • LaBreque Field:

        • M. W. Casiano of Quincy: Sat. August 19th, noon to dusk. Family gathering. No fee for using LaBreque.

      • Bishop Field:

        • K. Coughlin of Quincy, Sat. Oct. 1th,[sic] 2023, for Montclair Wollaston Neighborhood Association Pumpkin Spice Festival, 10:0 AM t 4:00 PM. No fee would apply.

        • When asked for an update regarding the request reviewed last month for Safford Park and the Wollaston Hill Neighborhood Association, Paul Bregoli said:

          • Porta Potties will be provided.

          • Electrical work at the site is underway.

  • Recreation Department:

    • Quorum was not met.

    • No official business was conducted.

    • Michelle indicated the only agenda item she had was an update on summer programs. We are only 1/2 way through summer programs, so next month she will provide an update on the entire summer program.

 Meeting adjourned by 5:55.


Notes from Faxon Park Community Meeting 8.7.2023


Candidates for Quincy City Election - Tuesday, November 7