Park and Rec board meeting notes: 24.04.08

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions.


Recap of both Park and Recreation Board Meetings:

  • It was a pretty quick meeting with not a lot of discussions on various topics.

  • 11 requests for permits to use various fields were all reviewed and approved.

  • Next meeting is May 13th (not the usual first Monday, but the second Monday of the month) at 5:30 pm.

  • Cleaner/Greener Quincy. Saturday May 4th. Still accepting groups that want to clean up areas. City provides gloves, bags, and basic equipment (that groups pick up).

  • Commissioner’s report:

    • Forbes Hill community meeting is tentatively planned for April 30th.

    • Squantum School has requested Parks provide a second “tot lot” play area to mitigate the need to ask people not to use the current equipment during school hours when the school kids are using it.

    • Revised Lone Sailor Park plans are being presented to subcommittee of the City Council. Will recognize six admirals and the men and women who worked in the shipyard and other ways to support the war. 

    • Pageant Field: Volleyball courts will be up and running by late summer, horseshoe and bocce courts will be finished sooner than that.

    • Cleverly Court Park (Quincy Point) has little kid soccer fields, and very little parking. Car wash nearby is going up for sale. Parks Dept is requesting the City purchase it and turn it into more parking. If the City doesn’t purchase it, it will likely be turned into housing/apartment complex.

  • Senior Olympics start May 6th. Flyer/registration forms have been printed and are being sent out. Registration is open.



  • Meeting was chaired by Paul Doherty (for both Park and Recreation Board meetings)

  • March minutes approved.




Pageant Field: 


  1. Quincy Fire Hockey team, Sat. May 18th 11:00 am to 6:00 for corn hole fundraiser. Fee $225. Approved.

  2. Central Middle School: Mon. June 17th, 8:00 am to 2:30 for celebration of life to remember Emily Zarnoch. Fee waived; approved.

  3. Leony S., June 22nd, Yearly Unity Celebration. Fee $375. Approved.

  4. Central Baptist Church, Sun. Aug. 18, 9:00 AM to dusk for annual picnic. Fee $225 Approved.

  5. Judith W., Sat. Aug. 24th, 8:00 am to 6:00 Volleyball Tournament, Fee $225; approved.

  6. Recovery Souls Quincy Recovery Walk:  Sun.  Oct. 6th. Fee Waived. Approved.


Fore River:  Nathan K. Sat. June 29th.  Family event. Approved


Cavanaugh Field:  Boston Chinese Neighborhood Center / Quincy office. Sat. June 22nd 8:00 am to 2:00 for Annual family fun fair.  Approved.


Fenno Basketball Courts: Mayor's office. Basketball Tournament June 1st to benefit Substance Abuse Programs. Approved.


Bishop Field: Montclair School, Field Day June 7th, and Grade 5 fund day, June 17th. 8:30 am start. Approved.


Creedon Field: QPS Special Olympic Day, Fri. May 31st. 9:00 am to 1:00. Approved.


Old Business: None


New Business: 

  • Next Park Board Meeting: Rescheduled for May 13th. 

  • Request to contact Norfolk County Sheriff's department to have Forbes Hill water tank and park area cleaned. Approval given.

  • Discussion: Boy scout looking for donations for project for Bernazzani School. Mike is working closely with Troop 42.  Usually, Ray Theberge brings in Eagle scout candidate, and meets with Mike Casinelli. Park Dept helps guide the process, and as needed provide materials, etc. Scouts have to do certain things to earn eagle, such as plan the project. Phenomenal relationship with both troops.



  • Commissioners Report

  • Construction of new Squantum Elementary field

    • No permanent takings, but during construction there will be some impacts.

    • Geothermal well field will require excavation and construction.

    • Principal has asked for an expansion of some of the play equipment (four square and games) to be moved. Existing playground will stay intact. Request is for an additional tot lot. During the school day there is some conflict with tots in school playground. So request is a small tot lot nearer the parking lot, to eliminate conflict. Some green space will be available throughout construction as this is the main/only active park on the peninsula. 

  • Lone Sailor park on Squantum. Two years ago held a public meeting on using "tear drop" and there was significant opposition. Mayor heard the feedback and went back to the drawing board. The "blue" restaurant was demolished. The City Council will be asked for additional money. The recognition will be for six admirals, plus the men and women who contributed to the war effort, including those who worked in the shipyard. Will be presented at council subcommittee meeting.

  • Cleverly Court soccer fields in Quincy Point.  There are at most a dozen parking spots, and most people park on the street. City has been looking at ways to expand parking. The car wash is going up for sale. Mayor is asking to purchase it, and demolish the car wash and turn it into parking. If it is not approved, it will likely be turned into 60 - 70 housing units. Will be presented at council subcommittee meeting.

  • Pageant: need some better weather to finalize horseshoe, and bocce courts. Volleyball courts are planned for later in the summer.

  • Forbes Hill Park renovations: Meeting planned for end of month.  There is a plan they have been presenting to the public and moving ahead. Including stormwater and drainage management, as well as park improvements. New stormwater drainage being installed at the golf course. Infrastructure work is being done for that area that needs to be communicated. April 30th is tentative date for meeting. 

    • Clubhouse building finished Jan/Feb 2025.

    • Park project to be done in spring of 2025. 


Cleaner Greener Quincy: Sat. May 4th.  Involves just about every group in Quincy.  Typically have 85 groups sign up to help. Give out basic tools, gloves, bags and then cap it off with a cook out on Pageant field. Groups can still sign up to join the effort.


Recreation Dept:

  • The Mass Rec and Park Conference: May 18th and 20th. Professional Development opportunity.  Quincy got the South Shore Impact award for the Outdoor Skating Rink. 

  • Senior Olympics info flyer is provided. Marketing flyer and sign up registration form. The Olympics start May 6th.


Affordable Housing Trust Committee meeting notes: 24.04.09


Planning board meeting notes: 24.03.20