Planning board meeting notes: 24.03.20

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

All committee members were in attendance, as well as James Fatseas, the Planning Director, Jim Devine, Ward 4’s city councilor, representatives for the projects being reviewed, and other observers. The agenda (as well as agendas, notes, and recordings of previous meetings) can be found on the City’s website.

The Planning Board’s role is just one of many that are required for projects. As I understand it, the review by the Planning Board is a first step to ensure that projects follow the guidelines outlined in state and local regulations (parking, setbacks, noise, neighborhood impact, etc.), and further review by zoning, conservation, and the building department are often required to approve a project. In the case of the projects reviewed at this meeting, multiple reviews by the Planning Board were required.

At the meeting, there was a presentation made by the engineering firm Tighe and Bond, which is guiding the city on an updated Hazard Mitigation Plan. The City has to demonstrate that they are or are making steps toward complying with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and state guidelines. We have issues with coastal and river flooding, as well as concerns for green cover (trees, open space) needed to mitigate rising temperatures and their impact on health. The presenter said they want community involvement.


Park and Rec board meeting notes: 24.04.08


Community Preservation Committee meeting notes: 24.03.21