Park board meeting notes: 24.07.08

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

Park Department Board Public Meeting July 8th

A quorum was not reached, so no votes were taken. The following items were discussed:

Set next Park Board Meeting: August 5th, 2024, 5:30 pm


  • Commissioner’s report

  • Quincy Navy Park at Squantum. Dedication is Friday, August 9th. Working on it now. Recognize men and women of Naval efforts, prior to WWI and since. On the boardwalk, next to Siros.

  • Club House on Furnace Brook Golf course is coming along nicely. On time and on budget. Trusses are up and you can get a sense of what the building will look like. This is a challenging, very small site. Very happy with the contractor.

  • Rims/backboards in, and paint is being planned. Need to do more sub grade work at the tennis court area.  Playground will be installed in the next two weeks. Other phases (like walking path, and entrance) are being planned. Drainage work will be ongoing throughout the summer. Surface and ground water are being captured and directed to a system. This will have a big impact on the stormwater on the hill. Repurposed the pipe that was once used to drain the tower (and will continue to drain the tower) to also handle ground water.

  • Faxon Park: picnic pavilion is 90% done. Will be fully operational in two to three weeks. Pavilion is at the old "middle field". Looking at future improvements (more permanent restroom, have porta potties in two locations already). Site is on a ledge. Looking perhaps at composting toilets.

  • Pickleball courts: three locations identified: Faxon Park (old high school site) for 6 - 8 courts; Commander Shea Boulevard (2 - 3 courts); and then Fenno Street, behind the tennis courts.

  • Community Development grant money: Ruth Gordon Amphitheater: goal is to have handicapped access to middle seating. Getting to the stage will be very expensive and has been deferred. Also repointing stone will be done this year. 

  • Looking to do master planning on Squaw Rock Park [note from QV!: the federal government renamed this rock “Nickerson Rock,” but City leadership, citing conversations with the Massachusett Tribe, continues to refer to it as Squaw Rock]. Repurposing and improving the park. Money has been allocated for planning and planning will take place summer and fall. 

  • Pageant will need volleyball courts constructed later. 

  • Commissioner has talked to DCR, and a forestry crew is due in Quincy in July. He will talk to them also about Furnace Brook construction area. Board member commented that the results of the DCR/utility crews is very ugly with downed trees. Wondering who will clean that up. 

  • Eastern Nazarene: any update on the fields? No. All scheduling is showing canceled.  

  • Discussion:  did some small touch ups at Brill Field.

Discussion: members present agree to give Paul and Dave the authority to manage the schedule until the Board’s next meeting. (No formal vote.) Items taking place after August 5th moved to the August agenda.


Recreation board meeting notes 24.07.08


Library board meeting notes: 24.06.13