Recreation board meeting notes 24.07.08

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

 Recreation Department Public Meeting July 8th:

A quorum was not reached, so no votes were taken. The following items were discussed:

Next Board meeting is August 5th at 5:30 pm.

Introduction of Chris Rooney, who has taken over from Michelle Hanly as recreation director. This is his first board meeting. He is back at Recreation after leaving eight years ago to work in other areas of city government. Chris previously worked at the Recreation Department, including doing summer recreation leader positions.


A. Director: 2024 Flag Day Parade and Celebration

  • Recognize the staff spent 8 - 12 hours that day. Summer staff spent over 12 hours here that day doing behind the scenes work. 

  • Everything went really well. 

B. Director: 2024 Summer Recreation Program Kickoff

  • Happy Acres and other programs started today (July 8th). Kids having a blast.

  • 14 rec parks open. Have 50 recreation leaders at the sites.

  • Have started taking over the track club. Right now just a summer program. Have not talked about the fall track. Old program was eight weeks, ours will be six weeks. 

  • Forbes Hill is open, but no one is coming because of the construction. Looking at Wollaston or O'Rourke parks. May close that location (decision by end of the week) and move leaders to where they are most needed.

C. Director: 2024 Night Recreation and Shannon Grant Program

  • Police checking sites tonight. Program starts July 9th.

  • Monday and Wednesday: Quincy High, for Volleyball.

  • Tuesday and Thursday:  Volleyball at North Quincy High

  • Monday-Thursday, three playground sites, Clifford Marshall, Welcome Young and Kincaide. Basketball or other games 5:30 to 8:30 pm.


A. Lifeguard Training and Aquatic Programs at Lincoln Hancock:  American Red Cross Lifeguard Water Safety Instructor Class

  • Four participants completed this course and will be able to teach classes for older kids and adults. 

  • This means four new people on the staff.


  • Will report next month on recreation usage.

  • Commissioner Murphy commended Chris on jumping right in in June. Doing a phenomenal job. 


Park board meeting notes: 24.08.05


Park board meeting notes: 24.07.08