Quincy Votes! is committed to objective, impartial voter information

As an organization aimed at boosting civic engagement, Quincy Votes! will work to raise awareness about elections, candidate records, and the voting process. Our goal is to strengthen our community and democracy by engaging as many voices in government policies and practices as possible.

Our mission statement reads: 

Our nonpartisan group aims to partner with community members in Quincy, particularly those from underrepresented groups, to engage in local issues and to participate in the electoral process.

Quincy Votes! will never endorse any candidates or parties; we aim to provide accurate, unbiased information for voters to make their own informed choices. 

That said, Quincy Votes! is made up of residents who, as individuals, tend to be civically engaged. Many individuals volunteer with local issues-based groups, serve on their children’s schools’ parent-teacher organizations, and regularly watch – and speak at – city meetings. Some volunteer with local political campaigns, and some run for office themselves.

But while we may voice our personal opinions about issues or candidates outside of our participation in Quincy Votes!, the work we do as Quincy Votes! will remain nonpartisan and fact-based. 

–The Quincy Votes! Board of Directors


24 Quincy residents running for 2023 city election


Free Friends Fridays at RGA