Special City Council Meeting (Virtual Only), Tuesday, September 5

Special City Council Meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 6:30 PM

In accordance with Governor Maura Healey March 29, 2023 extension of temporary provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, § 20, the Quincy City Council will be convening via remote conferencing services that will air on Quincy Access Television (QATV) Channel QATV-9 Government Access.

A Special Meeting of the Quincy City Council will be held to discuss and act upon the following:

1. 2023-090– Order –Easement Takings – Sea Street MassDOT Project Mayor Koch

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83253092095?pwd=ZkhoRzBKQml1ZU1WWkVkUHc2VVlDdz09 Meeting ID: 832 5309 2095 Passcode: 212811

Dial by your location - 929 436 2866 US (New York) - 1 301 715 8592

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdjKoWx6Rl

Additional resources: December 5, 2019, Mass DOT Sea Street Corridor Public Presentation



ORDER NO. 2023-090
ORDERED: September 05, 2023





WHEREAS, the City of Quincy (“City”) is a duly organized Municipal Corporation with its principal offices at Quincy City Hall, 1305 Hancock Street, Quincy, Massachusetts; and

WHEREAS, acting in pursuance to its powers and in accordance with its authority as set forth in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 82, Section 21 and in accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 43, Section 30 and pursuant to Chapter 79 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and every other power thereunto enabling, the Commissioner of the Quincy Department of Public Works has requested that the City of Quincy acquire certain rights in lands for the purposes of public safety and travel, and the laying out and construction of certain improvements along Sea Street, a public way, to be located REQUIRES DESCRIPTION TO BE INSERTED UPON RECEIPT OF LAYOUT PLAN and as is more particularly shown on a sketch plan entitled “Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Highway Division, Traffic Signal and Intersection Improvements – ADD MORE PARTICULAR PLAN TITLE REFERENCE (“Plan”), and

WHEREAS, the Mayor of Quincy has approved of the request made by the Commissioner as aforesaid; and

WHEREAS, the public convenience and necessity require that certain fee, permanent and temporary easements be taken for the aforesaid purposes.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the City, acting in pursuance to its powers and in accordance with its authority as set forth in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 82, Section 21 and in accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 43, Section 30 and pursuant to Chapter 79 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and every other power thereunto enabling, and of any and every power and authority to it granted or implied, hereby for itself takes by eminent domain the easements and rights appurtenant thereto, including the trees and other improvements standing upon or affixed thereto, unless specifically excepted therefrom or taken subject thereto, and including the appurtenant interests in all public streets, highways, and public or private ways contiguous and adjacent to the parcels of land and interests therein hereby taken all as described on the attached Exhibit A.

AND FURTHER, BE IT ORDAINED, that acting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws, the City hereby awards damages sustained by the owner or owners and all other persons, including all mortgagees of record, having any interest in the land and parcels hereinabove described and entitled to any damages by reason of the takings hereby made. The City reserves the right to amend the awards at any time prior to the payment thereof by reason of a change in ownership or value of said land, or interests in land, before the right to damages therefore has become vested or for other good cause shown. The awards hereby made are set forth in Exhibit B, which said Exhibit B is not to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds with this Order of Taking.

AND FURTHER, BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Quincy caused this Order of Taking to be recorded in the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds.


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ENC Emergency Migrant Welcome Center accepting donations