Recreation board meeting notes: 24.06.03

A Quincy Votes! member attended this meeting. While care has been taken in their creation, these notes are not official meeting minutes and may contain errors or omissions. 

  • Just a note: for those with children who might be interested in the Recreation Departments summer programs, please know that registration has started. For Summer Swim programs, registration begins this Wednesday, June 5th. Quincy Recreation Department: Online Registration

  • 2nd Note: there is a new policy, that there will be no monetary refunds if you cancel after June 15th, with the only exception of a documented medical excuse. 


  • Minutes of prior meeting approved.


Director's Report:

  • Special Correspondence: There were two letters read from Seniors about the Senior Olympics. Their comments will be taken into consideration when planning next year’s events.

  • Michele Hanley has as of May 28th become the Director of Elder Affairs on the Council of Aging. Chris Rooney is now the Director of the Recreation Department. Chris has prior leadership experience in Parks and Recreation and has held other positions in City Hall. 

  • The 40th Quincy Senior Olympics was held. There were 266 participants in a wide variety of events (walking, javelin, bowling, darts, cornhole, bocce and many more). 

  • Budget for 2025 was presented. It was met with few questions. Should be finalized at the 6/3 City Hall meeting.

Unfinished Business:

  • Lifeguard training is ongoing. Tryouts happening Monday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings at Lincoln Hancock Pool from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

  • Shannon Grant (for youth diversion). Games will happen at NQHS and QHS. (QHS is new this year). Also at Clifford Marshall, Kincaide, and Welcome Young.

  • Happy Acres camp will again be run at Broad Meadows this summer.

  • Pickleball Programs – Folks really want summer sessions. Added two more sessions, one now, and one starting in six weeks. Just Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings at Broad Meadows. There will be both inside and outside courts. 

  • Flag Day Parade and Celebration, June 15, 2024. Advertisements are out on social media. Parade starts at 7:00 at Coddington. Ceremony begins 8:15, fireworks start 9:00 (or 9:15). There will be a muster area for parent pickup of youth programs. Youth groups: need to identify some kids ahead of time to hold banners (instead of scrambling at night of parade). 

  • Women’s Fitness Program / still running at Four River. Session goes through July 11th and then break for summer. Has 15 participants.

  • Summer Planning and Programs: Registration for swim lessons is this Wed night (June 5th). Other registrations have already opened (clinic, happy acres, etc). Some programs are full. Marketing intern is creating flyers for programs with openings.

  • Staff Training and New Employee Timeline: Director Chris Rooney will set dates once full budget is approved. Once we know the number of returnees, Director Rooney can figure out how many to hire. Applicants were told they would be informed of the hiring decision before June 30th.

  • Program Planning, Fees, and Refund Policy. Reminder, the board approved a new policy to not offer refunds for cancellations after June 15th. The online registration form specifies the new refund policy. The requestor must click to acknowledge they are aware of the refund policy to finish registration.


Reducing disparities in voter turnout


Planning board meeting notes: 24.05.15